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Legislative Update

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Hello Friends, 

Despite budget challenges this legislative session, I have been committed to delivering for working families in California. Together, we’re addressing the fentanyl crisis, saving St. Rose Hospital, and preserving essential services that keep our communities safe and healthy. Your input is vital in guiding our work. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at (510) 583-8818. 


Liz Ortega Signature

Key Issues
Fighting the Fentanyl Crisis

Last year, I authored AB 1060 to make the overdose-reversing drug naloxone affordable to save lives. Soon, low-cost naloxone from Cal-RX will be available to all Californians.

Saving St. Rose Hospital

St. Rose Hospital, home to Hayward’s only emergency room, is at risk of closing. This session, I authored AB 2271 to help keep it open and ensure its financial stability.

Combating Retail Theft

With retail theft on the rise, I was a member of the Assembly Select Committee on Retail Theft, which introduced bills to support law enforcement and protect retailers.

Fighting for Workers’ Rights & Good Jobs

We’re advancing several bills this session to protect workers’ rights and promote good jobs:

  • AB 1870: Ensures injured workers can access legal representation at no upfront cost for Workers’ Comp claims.
  • AB 2987: Protects students and staff from sexual discrimination and abuse on public
    college campuses.
  • AB 2705: Helps construction workers recover stolen wages.
  • AB 2068: Requires reporting on outsourced call center jobs and works to bring them
    back to California.
  • ACA 14: Grants University of California workers the same labor rights as other California
  • Auditing Cal/OSHA: I ordered a State Audit of Cal/OSHA to hold law-breaking employers accountable for keeping workers safe. 
Preserving Essential Services on a Tight Budget
Essential Services

Despite budget constraints, we secured funding to maintain critical services:

  • Healthcare: Saved $300 million in public health cuts, including Medi-Cal.
  • Education: Maintained $136 billion for schools and community colleges.
  • Childcare: Fully funded 200,000 new childcare slots.
  • Climate: Preserved $45 billion for climate action.
Providing Diaper Support for Working Parents

With one in three parents struggling to afford diapers, we secured $9 million to keep diaper banks across the state open.

Annual Diaper Drive

Our first Diaper Drive raised over $65,000 to provide diapers and books to more than 400 local
families! This year's drive is on track to assist even more. To contribute, contact our District Office by September 15.